General info
Phone: (+30) 23770 23 219
Fax: (+30) 23770 23 781
Representative Office (Karyes): (+30) 23770 23 283
Residence (Thessaloniki): (+30) 2310 286 089, (+30) 2310 285 228
E-mail: [email protected] || [email protected] || [email protected]
Dedication: Annunciation of the Mother of God
Date of foundation: 972-985
Hierarchical position: 2/20
Holy Oversight: Vatopedi, Koutloumousiou, Karakallou, Stavronikita
Cenobitic from: 1989
Monks: 60 monastic, 40 living in subordinate monastic establishments
Subordinate establishments: Skete of Saint Andrew (cenobitic), Skete of St. Demetrios (eremitic), 26 cells, 1 kathisma
✓ 25/3 [17/4] Annunciation of the Theotokos (main temple celebration, great all-night vigil)
✓ 4/1 [17/1] St. Efthimios and other martyrs
✓ 10/7 [23/7] Synaxis of the Vatopaedic Saints (all-night vigil)
✓ 31/8 [13/9] Cincture of the Theotokos
✓ 5/10 [18/10] St. Eudocimus
✓ Bright Week Tuesday (Litany of the Patron Icon of the Monastery)
Relics: Cincture of the Theotokos, holy relics, miraculous icons
Visit: main temple, chapels, dining hall