Vatopaidi Monastery Commemorations

The Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi is one of the oldest on Mount Athos; it was founded at the end of the tenth century. At present, the number of the brethren is about 150 people, which is a lot by the standards of our time.
There are 7 miraculous icons of the Mother of God kept in the Vatopaidi monastery. Every day prayers are served in front of the miracle-working images of the Mother of God "Theotokos Pantanassa", "Joy and Consolation" and "Eleovrytisa". But the greatest treasure of the monastery is The Cincture of the Theotokos, a relic well known to the Christian world for its numerous miracles.
Every day in several temples of the monastery a Divine Liturgy is celebrated at the same time, during which the monks read the notes on health and repose submitted by the believers, and light candles offered as gifts to the Blessed Mother of God. During these services, the brethren pray for all of Christendom.
To The Cincture of the Theotokos

The Cincture of the Theotokos has long been known to Orthodox Christians for its miracles: according to believers, it relieves women of infertility and gives the joy of motherhood. That is why many families without children offer prayers to the Mother of God before this shrine.
The relic has been preserved from the time of the Mother of God's earthly life. According to tradition, She herself wove this belt of camel hair, and after the Assumption, before Her transition to heaven, gave it to the Thomas the Apostle.
What do we pray for in front of The Cincture of the Theotokos?
- Healing of infertility;
- Deliverance from problems during pregnancy and childbirth;
- Giving birth to a healthy child;
- Healing from various diseases, including cancer.
To the Mother of God "Theotokos Pantanassa"

Our Lord, through the prayers of the Mother of God, gave special grace to the image of Theotokos Pantanassa: to heal and comfort those who are afflicted with the most severe disease of our day, cancer. There is a daily Divine Liturgy held in the central temple in front of the Theotokos Pantanassa icon, as well is a prayer service before the Miraculous Image for the healing of all cancer patients and those suffering from other diseases.
What do we pray the Mother of God "Theotokos Pantanassa" for?
- Healing of patients with various malignant tumors;
- Helping those who suffered from radiation;
- Alleviation of the suffering of HIV patients;
- Help in the fight against addictions - smoking, alcoholism, and even drug addiction;
- Protection from the evil eye and witchcraft. It reveals its miraculous power against spells, sorcery, magic and other occult arts;
- The icon is appealed to with a request to guide on the righteous path and strengthen in the faith.
To the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation"

The image of the holy icon "Joy and Consolation" is unique; it was not painted by human hand. It was originally a fresco painted on the outer wall of the temple, depicting the face of the Mother of God "Hodegetria". After the miracle that happened to her, the icon changed the original image and froze in its present form.
What do we pray the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" for?
- The image helps in unforeseen life situations;
- Consoles in sorrow and grief, in difficulties of life, saves from despair and mental illness;
- Heals from chronic diseases and ailments;
- Protects in times of natural disasters and epidemics. When cities were plagued by pestilence, copies of the icon were carried during religious processions;
- When there is a tendency to sin, strong sinful passions, the icon helps to cope with them and get rid of them;
- When there is a need to find peace and spiritual wholeness, praying to this holy image helps to bring the soul into harmony with the world;
- In times of misfortunes, an appeal to the icon helps to overcome adversity;
- To those who are weak in faith, the icon helps to strengthen it;
- Protects against enemies;
- Those who suffer from various diseases address the image of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" in the seek of healing.
To the Mother of God "Eleovrytisa"

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Eleovrytisa" is kept in the "docheion" (provision storehouse) of Vatopaidi monastery. Its name translates as "Oil Multiplier" and is associated with the miracle manifested by this icon: when the monastery ran out of oil, the Mother of God Eleovrytisa filled an empty vessel with it, after which miracle the monastery always had oil in abundance.
What do we pray the Mother of God "Eleovrytisa" for?
- Well-being and prosperity of the monastery;
- Welfare and prosperity of every home and family.
Orthodox Holidays

A unique opportunity to submit prayers for health or repose of your loved ones on Orthodox holidays. Such holidays may relate to events of the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, or be dedicated to the lives of saints, commemorations of particularly revered events, and holy icons.
In this section, the upcoming holidays of the Orthodox Church are displayed. Please be attentive when filling out the cards, as each of them refers to one of the upcoming Orthodox holidays.