
Pilgrimage to Athos

Athos Pilgrimage Center
Learn more

Individual and group tours

Everything is thought out to the smallest detail: flight, accommodation, transfer, experienced guide. You get more time for solitude and prayer.

Booking diamonitirion


We provide assistance in issuing Diamonitirion, both for one pilgrim and a group of pilgrims, as well as an “urgent Diamonitirion” 1-2 days prior to your trip.

Transport on Mount Athos

Transportation on Mount Athos

Most of our vehicles used on Mount Athos are comfortable SUVs with high cross-country ability.

Transfer from airport

Airport transfer services

We provide an individual transfer by Mercedes-Benz S-Class, E-Class, V-Class vehicles.


Athos Guide is not yet another travel service, but an Athos pilgrimage center. We design and carry out tailor-made pilgrimage tours to Mount Athos - the Earthly Domain of the Most Holy Mother of God, where she abides to this day. Our work is based on long-standing experience, accumulated knowledge, strong ties with the monasteries of Athos, but above all, deep faith. Our goal is not only to acquaint you with the history of Athos and its shrines; our task is to organize a pilgrimage tour that will allow you to sense the holiness and grace reigning on the Holy Mountain, through them becoming a little closer to God. Athos.Guide will become a faithful companion on your pilgrimage to the holy land of Athos.



Churches and monasteries


Churches and monasteries


Churches and monasteries

Мount Athos Shop

Our e-shop offers a wide range of handmade products from the monasteries of Mount Athos. Buying monastic handicrafts is not just a purchase, but also a form of charity. Buying items from the Holy Mountain, you help the monks of Mount Athos.

Light a candle on Mount Athos

Light a candle on Mount Athos

For the first time, our charitable foundation specializing on helping Mount Athos monks offers the opportunity to light a candle for you on Mount Athos. This is a very important project, the implementation of which took us a lot of time and effort: after all, it is impossible to go to the Holy Mountain to ask the monks to pray for you and your loved ones every time there's a need for this. Now you have the opportunity to do it at any time from all around the world.

Submit a memorial note online

Submit a memorial note online

The Athos Guide Charitable Foundation provides you with a unique opportunity to submit notes to Mount Athos on health or repose of your loved ones. Now you can submit a note to Holy Mountain at any time using our online form. You can submit names for any request on health or repose. You can choose the Athos monastery and the type of memorial to order a memorial service, a forty day's prayer, a prayer for healing or help in conceiving children, finding a job, or other things that are important to you.

Mount Athos for women

Mount Athos for women

According to the Charter of the Holy Mountain, only men can visit Mount Athos. Women are forbidden to enter the territory of the monastic republic. However, nowadays women who wish to get closer to the monastic republic and experience the sanctity of this place can take a cruise along the Holy Mount Athos shores. The ships approach closely the monasteries of Athos coastal line. For those who cannot visit Mount Athos, the monks of the Holy Mountain bring the miraculous icons and relics of the saints to the cruise ships.




In many Greek temples, one can see small embossed plates hanging in front of icons. These plates are called tamata, or tamas. It's a very beautiful ancient tradition: the believers present tamas to the icons, thus "personifying" their requests or expressing gratitude for divine help. Now you also have an opportunity to convey your request or express gratitude for divine assistance to miraculous images from the comfort of your home. You can purchase tamas, which we will then deliver to the Orthodox icon of your choice.


Athos Monasteries

Athos Monasteries

The walls of Athos monasteries carefully preserve the memory of both the heyday of Mount Athos monasticism and the dark pages of history that tell of the raids and tragic devastations of monasteries, cells, scetes and kalyves. However, despite everything, life here has never stopped completely. Even in the hardest of times, it continued to smolder like a vigil lamp light, in order to kindle a bright light afterwards.
