The Akathist Hymn is one of the most beautiful and well-loved services in Orthodox hymnography. During the Salutations to the Most Holy Mother of God, on the first Friday of the Great Lent, the 1st Stasis is read.
The 24 oikoi (stanzas) correspond to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet.
The 1st Stasis begins with a reference to the Archangel, who announced the incarnation of the Lord to the Virgin Mary.
1st Stasis
An Angel of the first rank was sent from heaven to say to the Theotokos: Rejoice! (3) And perceiving You, O Lord, taking bodily form, he stood in awe and with his bodiless voice cried aloud to her as follows:
Rejoice, through whom joy shall shine forth; Rejoice, through whom the curse shall vanish.
Rejoice, fallen Adam's restoration; Rejoice, redemption of Eve's tears.
Rejoice, height that is too difficult for human thought to ascend; Rejoice, depth that is too strenuous for Angels' eyes to perceive
Rejoice, for you are the throne of the King; Rejoice, for you hold him Who sustains everything.
Rejoice, star that shows forth the Sun; Rejoice, womb in which God became incarnate.
Rejoice, through whom creation is renewed; Rejoice, through whom the Creator becomes an infant.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
The holy one, beholding herself in innocence, says to Gabriel: The incredible tidings of your voice appear difficult for my soul to accept. For how do you speak of childbirth from a seedless conception, crying: Alleluia.
Curious to know knowledge what is knowable to no one, the Virgin cried out to the ministering angel: How is it possible for a son to be born of pure loins? Tell me. To whom the angel answered in fear, crying out:
Rejoice, initiate of ineffable counsel; Rejoice, faith of silent beseechers.
Rejoice, introduction to Christ's miracles; Rejoice, consummation of his doctrinal articles.
Rejoice, heavenly ladder by which God came down; Rejoice, bridge leading those from earth to I heaven.
Rejoice, marvel greatly renowned among the Angels; Rejoice, wound bitterly lamented by demons.
Rejoice, for you gave birth to the light ineffably; Rejoice, for the "how" you taught to no one.
Rejoice, surpassing the knowledge of scholars; Rejoice, dawn that illumines the minds of believers.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
The divine power of the Most High overshadowed the unwedded Maiden that she might conceive, and made her luxuriant womb appear as a luscious field for everyone who desires to reap salvation while chanting thusly: Alleluia.
The Virgin, bearing God in her womb, hastened to visit Elizabeth, whose own babe at once knowing her greeting, rejoiced and leaping up as if in song, cried out to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, branch of an unwithered shoot; Rejoice, land of unblemished fruit.
Rejoice, you who cultivate the husband and who loves humankind; Rejoice, for you gave birth to the gardener of our life.
Rejoice, arable land yielding an abundance of compassion; Rejoice, table laden an abundance of grace.
Rejoice, for you make flourish the meadows of luxury; Rejoice, for you prepare a safe harbor for our souls.
Rejoice, intercession's acceptable incense; Rejoice, expiation for all the world.
Rejoice, goodwill of God to mortals; ejoice, boldness of mortals before God.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
Fraught within with confusion, brought about by doubtful thoughts, the wise Joseph was troubled as he looked upon you the unwedded, and suspected you, O Blameless one. But when he learned of your conception by the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.