The Akathist Hymn is one of the most beautiful and well-loved services in Orthodox hymnography. During the Salutations to the Virgin Mary, on the second Friday of the Great Lent, the 2nd Stasis is read.
This part begins with a reference to the shepherds who rushed to worship the Divine Infant in the manger, immediately after the event of Nativity.
2nd Stasis
The shepherds heard the appearance of Christ in the flesh being glorified; and hastening as to a shepherd, they beheld him as a spotless lamb who had been pastured in the womb of Mary, to whom they sing praises saying:
Rejoice, mother of the Lamb and Shepherd; Rejoice, sheepfold of spiritual sheep.
Rejoice, defense against invisible enemies; Rejoice, key to the doors of Paradise.
Rejoice, for heavenly things are exulting with the earth; Rejoice, earthly things that are dancing with the heavenly ones.
Rejoice, never-silent voice of the Apostles; Rejoice, unconquered courage of the Martyrs.
Rejoice, faith's unshakable foundation; Rejoice, shining revelation of grace.
Rejoice, through whom Hades is divested; Rejoice, through whom we have been vested in glory.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
Beholding the star leading to God, the Magi followed its brightness; and holding it as a lantern, they searched for the powerful King, and reaching the Unreachable, they rejoiced and cried to him: Alleluia.
The Chaldean children in the hands of the Virgin saw him who fashioned humankind. And perceiving him to be the Lord, even though he had taken the form of a slave, they hastened to pay tribute with gifts and to greet the blessed Lady:
Rejoice, mother of an unsetting star; Rejoice, dawn of the mystic day.
Rejoice, who extinguished the furnace of error; Rejoice, who enlighten initiates of the Trinity.
Rejoice, deposer of the inhuman tyrant from his rule; Rejoice, discloser of the Lord Christ who loves humankind.
Rejoice, redeemer from pagan religions; Rejoice, deliverer from the mire of sin.
Rejoice, for you have caused the worship of fire to cease; Rejoice, releaser from the flames of passions.
Rejoice, guide of the faithful to chastity; Rejoice, gladness of all generations.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
The Magi went to Babylon having become the God-bearing heralds. For they fulfilled Your prophecy and proclaimed You as the Christ to all, abandoning Herod as frivolous who did not know to sing: Alleluia.
Illumining in Egypt the light of truth, You dispelled the darkness of error; for her idols, O Savior, unable to endure your strength fell, while they who were delivered from them cried to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, the restoration of humankind; Rejoice, the downfall of demons.
Rejoice, crusher of the delusion of error; Rejoice, uncoverer of the deceit of idolatry.
Rejoice, sea that drowned the invisible Pharaoh; Rejoice, rock that refreshed those thirsty for life
Rejoice, pillar of fire that guides those in darkness; Rejoice, protection of the world wider than a cloud.
Rejoice, replacer of manna; Rejoice, minister of sacred joy.
Rejoice, land of promises; Rejoice, from whom flow milk and honey.
Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.
Master, You were presented as a babe to Symeon on the threshold of being transported out of this present beguiling age, but also perceived by him to be perfect God; for which cause he marveled at Your ineffable wisdom, crying: Alleluia.