Theotokos Antifonitria is a fresco painted on one of the arches of the corridor that connects the Chapel of Saint Demetrios with the Katholikon of the Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi.
According to tradition, the icon is associated with Queen Galla Placidia, who was the daughter of Great Theodosios and wife of Constantine III. On one of her journeys, the queen passed by the Athos peninsula. Sailing close to the coast, seeing the monasteries and knowing the sacredness of the place, she wanted to visit the Monastery of Vatopaidi. She got off the ship and headed for the monastery's Katholikon. Just before she passed through the gate, the voice of the Holy Virgin Mary was heard, warning her not to proceed, as she was a woman and this place belonged only to the monks. The queen obeyed the words of the Virgin Mary and returned to the ship. She even built the Chapel of Saint Demetrios in her honor.
Because of this incident, the representation of the Virgin Mary got the name "Antifonitria". Furthermore, through this particular narrative and manifestation of the Virgin Mary, the sanctuary of Mount Athos and the prohibition to all women is validated.
As far as her iconographic type is concerned, the representation follows the model of Theotokos Hodegetria. Jesus is seated on his Mother's left hand, blessing the faithful with his right hand, while with his left hand he holds a closed scroll. Theotokos holds her right hand at the level of the crown, while her gaze is fixed on the faithful.
The fresco is covered with a silver-gilt panel. Relief details adorn the garments of the holy figures, as well as their elaborate halos. At the top there is a cherub, while on the right and left there are medallions with reliefs of angels. To the left of the figure of the Virgin Mary there is an inscription referring to Queen Placidia and the miraculous event of the apparition of Theotokos. Specifically, it is written:
Having heard the voice of the icon, Virgin Placidia, recognized the Mother of God, hastened fervently in fear to obey you and, rejoicing as fulfilling a divine work, she said, Rejoice, our Lady Queen of all!