This small portable icon of the Mother of God is located in a wooden icon case, on the left side of the main temple of the Vatopedi Monastery. Originally, the miraculous icon of the Theotokos Pantanassa was kept in the New Skete; it was transferred to the Vatopedi Monastery by Elder Joseph in 1987.
Icon's first miracle is associated with a young man practicing witchery. When this young man entered the main temple of the monastery and wanted to kneel before the icon, the image of the Mother of God shone, and an unknown force threw him to the ground. The young man, struck, repented and changed his way of life forever. The icon has also performed many miracles in the healing of cancer patients.
The annual celebration of the icon falls on October 15. Every day, a prayer for the healing of all cancer patients and those suffering from other diseases is offered before the icon.
The Mother of God is depicted sitting on a throne, holding the Baby Jesus in Her left arm, holding Her right hand in the blessing gesture. Christ also blesses with his right hand, holding a closed scroll in his left hand. The halo of the Mother of God and the Divine Infant is made of enamel. On both sides of the Mother of God's head, behind the throne, two archangels are depicted: Michael and Gabriel. The throne is richly decorated with plant ornaments and gold elements. The clothing of the figures is also covered with golden paint.
The image of the Mother of God on the throne with the Baby Jesus accompanied by angels is known since the Palaiologan period and gained special popularity during the heyday of the Cretan school, i.e. during 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. From an iconographic perspective, Pantanassa resembles icons from the 16th and, to a greater extent, the 17th century. Nevertheless, the iconographic type following the bright examples of the Cretan school, allows dating this icon specifically to the 17th century.
People turn to the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God "Pantanassa" for various needs of our everyday life; however, it is believed to emanate a special Grace to those suffering from oncological diseases. The image of the Pantanassa was painted in the 17th century, yet miracles began to occur only in the last decades of the 20th century.
In 1987, the icon transferred by Elder Joseph to the Vatopedi Monastery, began to heal a disease that was not subject to scientists and modern medicine - the scourge of the 20th century, cancer. In response to numerous prayers and requests from monks and laity, both the sick and their relatives, the Mother of God in Her mercy has been manifesting healing miracles through Her icon.
To this day, the Vatopedi Monastery keeps thousands of stories of healing from the miraculous image. There is no oncological clinic in the world that does not have the icon of the Mother of God "Pantanassa"