General info
Phone: (+30) 23770 23 251
Fax: (+30) 23770 23 733
Representative Office (Karyes): (+30) 23770 23 280
Residence (Thessaloniki): (+30) 2310 227 879
E-mail: [email protected]
Dedication: Holy Forty Martyrs
Date of foundation: 5th century (tradition), 10th century (evidence)
Hierarchical position: 8/20
Holy Oversight: Hilandar, Xeropotamou, Agiou Pavlou, Gregoriou
Cenobitic from: 1981 (sigillion of Patriarch Demetrios I)
Monks: 20 monastic, 5 living in subordinate monastic establishments
Subordinate establishments: 4 cells
✓ 9/3 [22/3] Holy Forty Martyrs [due to the Great Lent it's being annually moved to the first Sunday after 9/3] (main temple celebration, great all-night vigil).
✓ 14/9 [27/9] Exaltation of the Holy Cross (all-night vigil).
✓ Bright Week Tuesday (Litany of the Patron Icon of the Monastery)
Relics: fragment of the True Cross, holy relics
Visit: main temple