General info
Phone: (+30) 23770 23 245
Representative Office (Karyes): (+30) 23770 23 271
Residence (Thessaloniki): (+30) 2310 262 276
E-mail: [email protected]
Dedication: Saint Archangels
Date of foundation: 1038 (Daphne), 1044 (current location)
Hierarchical position: 10/20
Holy Oversight: Great Lavra, Docheiariou, Xenophontos, Esphigmenou
Cenobitic from: 1980 (sigillion of Patriarch Demetrios I)
Monks: 20 monastic, 2 living in subordinate monastic establishments
Subordinate establishments: 1 cell
✓ 8/11 [21/11] The Synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and of all the Bodiless Powers of Heaven (main temple celebration, great all-night vigil)
✓ 6/12 [19/12] Saint Nicholas (Feast, vigil)
✓ 1/10 [14/10] Theotokos Gorgoepikoos (Patron Icon of the Monastery, vigil)
✓ Bright Week Tuesday (Litany of the Patron Icon of the Monastery)
Relics: holy relics, miraculous icon of the Theotokos Gorgoepikoos (One Who Grants Requests Quickly), icon of the Archangels
Visit: main temple, dining hall (wall paintings)