
Gift Shop of KaryesWhat is Myrrh?

For Christians, myrrh is a specially prepared and sanctified aromatic oil. It is used in the opening ceremony of newly built churches, during the consecration of the Holy Altar, the Holy Table and all other areas.

The Holy Myrrh is a special oil mixture made from 57 different medicinal herbs. According to ancient tradition, it is produced every ten years at the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Afterwards, it is sent to all the Orthodox churches around the world.

What is Myrrh Made of?

The composition and the way in which myrrh is produces is traditionally based on Moses' description of it in the Book of Exodus (30, verses 22-25):

"Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the finest spices: twelve pounds of liquid myrrh, half that amount (that is, six pounds) of sweet-smelling cinnamon, six pounds of sweet-smelling cane, and twelve pounds of cassia. Weigh all these by the Holy Place measure. Also take four quarts of olive oil and mix all these things like a perfume to make a holy olive oil. This special oil must be put on people and things to make them ready for service to God."

Myrrh began to be produced in the 2nd century, while by the 8th century all bishops were authorized to produce it. Over time, this right was restricted and is now given only to the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Myrrh from Athos

Myrrh from Mount Athos is a blessing for every monastery and hermitage. It is prepared by the monks themselves according to a special recipe.

How to Use Myrrh?

Πέρα από τη συμβολική του σημασία, το μύρο του Αγίου Όρους έχει ιδιότητες που ενισχύουν την υγεία του ανθρώπου. Περιέχει αντιοξειδωτικά, είναι αντιμικροβιακό, τονωτικό, επουλωτικό των πληγών και θεραπευτικό σε πλήθος παθήσεων.

How to use:

  • Add a few drops to your food.

  • Apply to the hands, forehead or any other part of the body that is weak, in a crossing motion.

    Athos Myrrh

Production of the Holy Myrrh

The composition and the way in which myrrh is produces is traditionally based on Moses' description of it in the Book of Exodus (30, verses 22-25):

"Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the finest spices: twelve pounds of liquid myrrh, half that amount (that is, six pounds) of sweet-smelling cinnamon, six pounds of sweet-smelling cane, and twelve pounds of cassia. Weigh all these by the Holy Place measure. Also take four quarts of olive oil and mix all these things like a perfume to make a holy olive oil. This special oil must be put on people and things to make them ready for service to God."

Myrrh began to be produced in the 2nd century, while by the 8th century all bishops were authorized to produce it. Over time, this right was restricted and is now given only to the Ecumenical Patriarch.

How Can One Get Myrrh from Mount Athos?

You may buy myrrh from all over the Athonite state, since all monasteries and sketes produce their own.

Furthermore, you can find myrrh and other handmade products, produced by the monks of Mount Athos, in our online shop.
