Prayer Rope

What kind of prayer ropes are made in Mount Athos?

The most common type of payer rope in the orthodox church is made with successive knots. The prayer ropes prepared by the monks of Mount Athos during their handiwork, as well as those used by the monks themselves in their prayers, are made according to this weave. 

Monastic prayer ropes and their history

Prayer ropeThe first monastery was founded in 320 AD in Egypt by the Elder Pachomius, with the help of Saint Anthony. At the same time, it became necessary to find a way to support all monks concentrate and count the number of times they repeated their prayer.

According to tradition, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Elder Pachomius and pointed out to him the way to make a small handiwork that would aid his prayer. This handiwork was a prayer rope.

How is the payer rope of Mount Athos used?

During prayer one should hold the prayer rope in one's hands. Each knot that passes between the fingers corresponds to a repetition of the prayer "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me". The same can be done with a long prayer rope or with a shorter braided bracelet. It is worth noting that this bracelet is not a piece of jewelry, but a means of concentration and prayer.

What does the prayer rope symbolize?

Woven Prayer RopeEverything on the prayer rope has its own symbolic meaning. The material used is usually wool, to remind to church members that they are all lambs of God. The black color symbolizes mourning for man's sins and passions. Lastly, a special feature of the prayer rope is the knots made from a cross weave, constantly forming the sign of the cross and signifying Christ's sacrifice for humanity.

In terms of the number of knots, 33 represent the years of Jesus' life, 99 are 33 multiplied by the three persons of the Holy Trinity, and, each knot is made up of 9 interlaced crosses representing the nine orders of angels.

Prayer Rope from the "Tears of the Virgin Mary"

Particularly popular with pilgrims is the prayer rope knitted from the "Tears of the Virgin Mary". This rope is made from the plant of the same name, which is found in large quantities near the hermitage of Saint Anna. According to the athonite tradition, the plant appeared from the tears that ran down the face of the Virgin Mary when she was pitying an old monk of the hermitage of Saint Anna, who was unable to learn how to create a rope, and wanted to help him. Since he could not succeed in cross-weaving, the Virgin Mary offered him the beads of this plant to carry out his handiwork.

Prayer ropes knitted with the 'Tears of the Virgin Mary' can be found in almost all the monasteries of Mount Athos.

How to obtain a prayer rope from Mount Athos?

Prayer ropes from Mount Athos can be obtained from any monastery in the peninsula. Each athonite monk, who is engaged in this particular handicraft, has his own technique, the peculiarities and secrets of his own weaving.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit Athos, you can find various kinds of athonite prayer ropes, as well as other handmade products produced by the monks of Mount Athos, in our online shop.
