Right after the Nativity of the Mother of God celebrated on the 8th of September, our Church honors the two saints who gave life of Theotokos, Saints Joachim and Anne. The parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and forefathers of our Lord Jesus Christ are great models of patience and holiness. They played a central role in the history of Christian doctrine, as they enriched the teachings of the Orthodox faith with the grace of their lives.
Joachim and Anne
Joachim and Anne are two figures in the Christian tradition who are directly linked to the miracle of Christ's incarnation. Joachim came from a royal family, while Anne was the daughter of a priest. Specifically, Joachim was the son of Eliakim of the tribe of Judah, and a descendant of David. He lived in Judea and Jerusalem, where he resided in a mansion with a royal garden. Anne was the daughter of Matthan, a priest from the tribe of Levi, and Mary, from the tribe of Judah. She had two sisters; Mary, the mother of Salome, and Sobe, the mother of Elizabeth, who gave birth to John the Baptist. In Hebrew, the name Joachim means "One Lifted Up by God", while the name Anne translates as "Grace". According to tradition, the couple got married and settled in Jerusalem, in a residence near the Pool of Bethesda. There they spent their lives in peace and asceticism. The two holy persons strictly observed the Divine Law, lived a life of prayer, faith and humility.
Prayer and Promise to God
Joachim and Anne were childless for many years. This fact caused them great sorrow, as it forced them to live in social isolation. At that time, the lack of children was considered to be a punishment from God and a sign of divine disapproval. Thus, childless couples were deprived of social interaction while living a life of obscurity and obscenity.
Despite the difficulties, Joachim and Anne never abandoned their faith. They prayed constantly, showing great patience and having an unshakable faith in God's answering their prayers.
At last Joachim, frustrated and desperate, decided to retire to the desert. There he prayed without ceasing and begged God. At the same time, Anne mourned for her husband who had left, but also for her childlessness, which deprived her of the possibility of motherhood and forced her to social outcry.
In her prayer, Anne continued to beg God to provide her with a child and promised that if He gave her one, she would dedicate it entirely to His service. This promise reflects Anne's deep faith and recalls the promise of Anne of the Old Testament, the mother of the prophet Samuel, who had also dedicated her child to God. The relationship between the two women is a theological link that highlights the unity of the Old and New Testaments.
The Miracle of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary
Joachim and Anne's prayers were answered. The Archangel Gabriel appeared to Anne and announced to her that she was going to be a mother. He even appeared to Joachim, who was isolated in the desert. He announced to him that his wife would give birth to a daughter, who would in turn become the mother of God and King of all. The birth of Mary, therefore, was the result of divine intervention and the fulfillment of God's promise to those who believe in Him.
Anne gave birth to Our Lady at the age of 70. Her birth is one of the greatest miracles of the Christian faith. Theotokos, who was destined to bring the Savior Jesus Christ into the world, was born through the faith and devotion of Her righteous parents. Her life was blessed and full of grace bequeathed to Her by the holiness of Joachim and Anne.
Presentation of the Virgin Mary
On the 8th day after the birth, Joachim and Anne, as was their custom, called the priest to read a first blessing, as well as a blessing related to the name that would be given to the infant. The child was named Mary.
At the age of three, Her parents carried Her to the temple with glory and honor, consecrating Her to God and fulfilling the promise made by Anne. There She was received by the high priest Zechariah, who immediately recognized in her the mother of the Messiah.
Dormition of the Holy Joachim and Anne
The Virgin Mary came out of the temple at the age of 12. However, by then She had already lost Her parents. Joachim passed away at the age of 92, 8 years after the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, while Anne followed him 11 months later, at the age of 83.
Athonite Tradition
Athonite monks honor and glorify Saint Anne as the mother of the patroness of Mount Athos. They especially celebrate her grace in the Skete of Saint Anne, one of the largest sketes of the Athonite community. The miraculous icon of St. Anne is kept there, as well as her left foot. Furthermore, the entire shank of her right foot is kept in the Holy Monastery of Koutloumousiou.
Saint Anne is considered the patroness and helper of childless couples and women, who often turn to her for help and support. The numerous tamas adorning her icon bear witness to her miraculous grace.