With the Christmas coming, we have prepared a unique gift for you!
Buy any handmade Mount Athos products to get a ribbon blessed on the Holy Cincture of the Theotokos as a gift. The offer is available till January 10, 2025

Submit a memorial note: Kalyve of the Holy Unmercenaries (Monastery of St. Paul)

Holy Unmercenaries Kalyve Commemorations

The kalyve of the Holy Unmercenaries is one of the twenty kalyves (small monastic dwellings) constituting the New Skete, or skete of the Nativity of the Theotokos. The brethren is quite numerous and consists of ten fathers under the patronage of the Holy Unmercenaries.

Numerous miracles have been performed through the intercession of the Holy Unmercenaries, who assist in the healing of oncological and other severe illnesses. They respond to other requests with which the believers address them. Every day, the monks perform divine services and light candles offered as gifts to the Holy Unmercenaries. During such services, the brethren pray for the entire Christian world.

To the Holy Unmercenaries Icon

The holy icon of the patron saints of 1765 depicts the holy unmercenary physicians Cosmas and Damian, Panteleimon, Ermolai, Sampson, Charalampos, Tryphon, Cyrus and John.  The holy relics of the nine Holy Unmercenaries are also kept in the skete.

What do people pray the Holy Unmercenaries for?

  • Healing of patients with malignant tumors;
  • Help in healing severe illnesses;
  • Preservation of well-being of children and adults.

Orthodox Holidays

A unique opportunity to submit prayers for health or repose of your loved ones on Orthodox holidays. Such holidays may relate to events of the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, or be dedicated to the lives of saints, commemorations of particularly revered events, and holy icons.

In this section, the upcoming holidays of the Orthodox Church are displayed. Please be attentive when filling out the cards, as each of them refers to one of the upcoming Orthodox holidays.