With the Christmas coming, we have prepared a unique gift for you!
With the Christmas coming, we have prepared a unique gift for you!
Buy any handmade Mount Athos products to get a ribbon blessed on the Holy Cincture of the Theotokos as a gift. The offer is available till January 10, 2025

Light a candle: Saint Spyridon Church in Corfu

Saint Spyridon Church Commemorations

Located on the Greek island of Corfu, the Church of Saint Spyridon is one of the most important places of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians. It houses the reliquary containing the incorruptible relics of Saint Spyridon, one of the most venerated saints in our Church.

The reliquary with the holy relics is opened twice a day. The saint's feet are shod in velvet shoes, which you can lay your hands on. However, what is remarkable is that these shoes constantly wear out, and several times a year they have to be replaced with new ones. Believers say that this happens because a lot of people turn to St. Spyridon with prayers, and he never refuses anyone; to this day he walks the earth, helping all and everyone — that is why his shoes wear out.

The Divine Liturgy is celebrated daily in the church of Saint Spyridon, and a special prayer service is held twice a day at the reliquary of the saint. Every day, pilgrims from all over the world come here to pray to the saint, ask for his assistance, or express gratitude for his intercession and support.

Holy Relics of Saint Spyridon

The holy relics of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous are kept in the church of Saint Spyridon in the city of Kerkyra, the capital of the Greek island of Corfu. Three times a day, a prayer service with the commemoration of names is held before the relics of the saint.

What do we pray St. Spyridon for?

Believers turn to the saint with a prayer in various circumstances of life. There are numerous miraculous stories of how Spyridon of Trimythous has helped those in need who have sought his support.

People ask him for:

  • Finding housing for those without a roof over their heads;
  • Recovering lost items;
  • Attaining material well-being and support in new endeavors;
  • Helping childless couples.

It may seem strange that the saint, who so selflessly proved the futility of worldly aspirations, is nevertheless revered by many believers as a helper in the most mundane situations, such as financial difficulties or lack of shelter. It is important to remember that St. Spyridon performed miracles for the sake of people who need to care for their daily bread, relying not only on their own strength but also on divine assistance. Therefore, one can turn to St. Spyridon in prayer under any circumstances of life, and he will undoubtedly help, as long as it is done with sincere faith.

Orthodox Holidays

A unique opportunity to submit prayers for health or repose of your loved ones on Orthodox holidays. Such holidays may relate to events of the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, or be dedicated to the lives of saints, commemorations of particularly revered events, and holy icons.

In this section, the upcoming holidays of the Orthodox Church are displayed. Please be attentive when filling out the cards, as each of them refers to one of the upcoming Orthodox holidays.
