Light a candle: Pantokratoros Monastery

Pantokratoros Monastery Commemorations

Pantokratoros is one of the 20 monasteries of the monastic state of Mount Athos. It belongs to the monasteries of the cenobitic type; this means that twice a day the monks gather in the central temple of Pantokratoros, where they pray for the forgiveness of sins and the welfare of the world.

Pantokratoros is one of the smallest of the Mount Athos monasteries. Its only sources of funds are the income from the church shop and donations left by the believers.

The Pantokratoros monastery holds two great shrines:

  • The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Herondissa";
  • The miraculous icon of St. George the Victorious.

The Divine Liturgy is celebrated daily in the Pantokratoros monastery, during which the monks read the notes on health and repose submitted by the believers, and light candles offered as gifts to the Blessed Mother of God. During these services, the brethren pray for all of Christendom.

To the Mother of God "Herondissa"

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Herondissa" is the main relic of the Pantokratoros monastery. In Greek, "Herondissa" means "elderly woman", because she exudes a special grace to people of old age. Our Lady "Herondissa" is considered to be the patroness of the elderly, hence her name.

What do we pray the Mother of God "Herondissa" for?

  • Welfare in old age. The prayer may concern either the one praying or his/her parents, relatives and loved ones;
  • Helping people "between life and death": those in a coma, those suffering from heart disease, those who have had a heart attack and a stroke;
  • Protection against sudden death, death without repentance. This is very important for Orthodox believers.

To St. George the Victorious

St. George is first and foremost the protector of military men and those who find themselves in the war zone. St. George also patronizes the relatives and friends of military men. In addition, St. George is considered a patron saint of cattle breeding and agriculture.

What do we pray St. George the Victorious for?

  • Protection from enemies and human evil;
  • Deliverance from misfortunes in the times when we need it most;
  • Comfort in sorrow and support in difficult life situations;
  • Peace of mind and tranquility;
  • Fertility of the land and preservation of crops;
  • Health and fertility of livestock;
  • Protection from natural disasters;
  • Curing of serious illnesses;
  • Assistance in finding the right path in life;
  • Strengthening in faith.

Orthodox Holidays

A unique opportunity to submit prayers for health or repose of your loved ones on Orthodox holidays. Such holidays may relate to events of the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, or be dedicated to the lives of saints, commemorations of particularly revered events, and holy icons.

In this section, the upcoming holidays of the Orthodox Church are displayed. Please be attentive when filling out the cards, as each of them refers to one of the upcoming Orthodox holidays.
