Skete of St. Panteleimon Commemorations

The skete of St. Panteleimon belongs to the Koutloumousiou monastery of Holy Mount Athos. It is situated in a picturesque place on a hill, half-an-hour walk from the monastery. There is a breath-taking view of Mount Athos and its capital city of Karyes.
The territory of St. Panteleimon skete includes 13 calyves, 7 of which are deserted. Once there was the cell of St. Panteleimon here, which was located at the place of modern cathedral. A few kalyves were scattered around, where the ascetic monks were living. The skete was founded in 1780, when a monk named Charalambous bought the cell from Koutloumousiou monastery. After that, the skete was constantly expanding: soon it had about 40 monks.
There are relics of saints and two hundred icons kept in the skete of St. Panteleimon, of which the most famous is the miraculous icon of St. Panteleimon of the XVIII century.
To Saint Panteleimon

What do we pray Great-Martyr and Healer Panteleimon for?
- The cure of bodily ailments, especially the treatment of eye disorders;
- Spiritual insight, including finding the right path in life;
- Support in making the right choice in difficult situations;
- Strengthening of faith and finding a confessor;
- Assisting doctors and all those whose work is connected with medicine;
- Resolution of difficult situations at work;
- For those whose work involves risks to life and health, including military men.
Every day the monks read the notes on health and repose submitted by the believers, and light candles. During these services, the brethren pray for all of Christendom.
Orthodox Holidays

A unique opportunity to submit prayers for health or repose of your loved ones on Orthodox holidays. Such holidays may relate to events of the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, or be dedicated to the lives of saints, commemorations of particularly revered events, and holy icons.
In this section, the upcoming holidays of the Orthodox Church are displayed. Please be attentive when filling out the cards, as each of them refers to one of the upcoming Orthodox holidays.