The icon of Saint George of Moldova is placed in the Katholikon of the Zograf Monastery. The nickname given to it comes from the founder of the monastery and donor of the icon, Stephen the Great, who was the ruler of Moldova in the years 1457-1504.
Saint George, who is often called the Great Martyr and Trophy Bearer, is a great saint of our church. In fact, being himself an officer of the Byzantine army, he is today considered the patron saint of the Greek military forces.
In this particular icon he is depicted looking straight to the faithful. He holds a sword in his right hand and a spear in his left. The icon is covered by a relief frame, from which only the saint's face is excluded. The decorative details enhance the splendor of the artistic depiction. The halo is circularly adorned with precious stones, while it also constitutes the starting point of the dynamic rays of light that symbolize the grace of the Saint. The ornaments and the jewels of the clothing brighten the artistic expression of his figure. At the same time, the icon is adorned with numerous dedications.
To the right and to the left of the face of Saint George there are the Slavic inscriptions "The Holy Great Martyr" and "George the Trophy Bearer". Furthermore, at the bottom there is a relief inscription with the history and origin of the icon.
The depiction of the Saint is adorned with a rich vine and four cherubs, placed at the corners of the frame.